PLEASE NOTE: This documentation is slightly out of date due to a recent platform upgrade. We will have this help page updated ASAP. If you have any questions please contact us.

Trails Menu Overview

The ‘Trails’ menu is where you view and manage all the trails within your Trail System. This menu lists all your trails and displays assigned difficulty levels, activities, and trail updates (surface conditions & notices).

When you click on trail card within the menu it shows more detailed information regarding your trail such as trail descriptions, elevation profile and snow reports. From this menu you can also edit your trail.



For the mileage of a trail to appear on the trail card, the trail must be mapped.
There are two ways you can map your trails:

  1. Upload a trail map file to a current or new trail
    RESOURCE LINK: Learn how to learn how to create map data files to upload to your trails

  2. Map/Draw a trail on your list with the ‘Line String Tool’

Within your ‘TRails’ menu you can:
