Trails GIS Data Specification

GIS data for TrailHUB trail systems are compiled into GeoJSON files. Each trail system’s points of interest and trails are included in this file along with some properties. To learn more about the GeoJSON specification please visit

To request a trail system’s GIS data, first call our trail system API. The response will contain a property for 'geoJsonUrl’ which contains a temporary URL to access the GIS data. Simply GET request that URL the way you would any other API endpoint. The URL will respond with the trail system’s GIS data.


Within the GeoJSON GIS data will be a features property. This contains an array of features that each represent a trail or a point of interest. Each feature has a properties object which contains top-level details about the trail or point of interest.

*Detailed properties specification to come here. Please contact us with questions related to features data or simply explore the data yourself.