Related Trail Systems

If your organization has multiple trail systems, you can add these trails systems to appear on your ‘Trail System Details’ page, under ‘Related Trail System’. Visitors to your Trail System will be able to click on the Trail Name and link to your other trail systems.


1.) Click on ‘Trail System Details’ within the navigation bar.


2.) Select 'Trail System Settings'

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3.) Scroll down to 'Related Trail Systems'

  • Select 'Select Trail Systems' field

  • Search for and select all your active trail systems from a list of all the active trail systems in our system

  • You can select one or more trail systems from this list.

  • To Remove, click the ‘X’ next to the trail name

4.) Click ‘Save’ and close


5.) Your newly added linked trail systems should now appear within your main ‘Trail System Settings’ page

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