Edit Basic Trail System Info

See below to update the Following:

  • Trail System Name & Location

  • Description

  • Phone

  • Website information

  • Distance Measurements

  • Temperature Default (Fahrenheit or Celsius)

  • Language Default (English or French)

  • Delete Trail System

1.) Select the 'Trail System Details' button within the navigation bar.

2.) Select 'Trail System Settings'


3.) Adjust settings using the form. You may click the map to set a new default location for the trail system. You may use the search box in the upper right of your map interface to search for and fly to a specific location.

4.) Click 'Save'.

5.) **NOTE: 'Trash Trail System' puts this trail system in your trash located under 'User Settings'.
You can access/edit/or recover any trashed trail systems within this location.
