Create Map Data Files to Upload to Trail System


  1. Download and install the GAIA GPS App on your mobile phone.

  2. Go for a Hike! Record a GPS track of each trail start to finish & save.

  3. Export .gpx or .kml data files from mobile device or download files directly from GAIA GPS website.
    IMPORTANT: You must export or download data files individually per trail.

  4. Upload your GPS map data files to your TrailHUB trails.

Download and install the GAIA GPS App on your mobile phone

  1. Download GAIA GPS App from Apple Store

  2. Download GAIA GPS App from Android Google Play

Go for a Hike!
Record a GPS track of each trail start to finish & save

TIP! Save Battery + Improve GPS Accuracy.
Keep GPS/Location ON & Turn OFF your Mobile Data when recording with GPS Tracks. Stay in the Center of the Trail for wide trails.

1. Open the Gaia GPS App on your Mobile Phone

2. At beginning of trail Tap ‘RECORD’ (travel the trail end to end, try not to stop)


3. At end of trail, Tap the ‘Time Clock’, then Tap ‘FINISH TRACK


4. Name trail exactly like trail signs, Choose a Folder to save track in, then Tap ‘Save‘ in upper right corner


5. Export map file from your mobile device. See below instructions.

Export data files from mobile device
or download files directly from GAIA GPS website.

IMPORTANT: You must export or download data files individually per trail.

Click the below links for instructions from GAIA GPS to export your files:

Upload your GPS map data files to your TrailHUB trails

To upload your GPS map data files to your TrailHUB trails, please use these instructions.