PLEASE NOTE: This documentation is slightly out of date due to a recent platform upgrade. We will have this help page updated ASAP. If you have any questions please contact us.

Points of Interest

You can place ‘Points of Interest’ around your Trail Map to visibly mark notable areas around your Trail System.

They can be easily used in conjunction with Notices to offer more information or bring more attention to specific points of interest such as parking lot status, fallen trees, etc.

Bar | Cabin | Dining* | Dog Park | Fallen Tree | First Aid | Fishing | Fly Fishing | General Information’ | General Warning’ | General Danger | Generic | Hazard | Ice | Lodging | Lodge | Mud | Parking | Busy Parking | Very Busy Parking | Playground | Restaurant | Restroom | Scenic | Trailhead | Wait Time* | Water Access | Web Cam | Winter Walk | Yurt

*Indicates this point of interest is only available to Double Diamond and Star subscribers.

NOTE: If a category type you are looking for within ‘Points of Interest' is not on the current list you can add points under 'Generic' and just fill in the name and description and plot your point.

OR - If you have a specific view point ‘Type’ that would be helpful on the overall platform, please submit a request through our contact form and we can add it to the list upon review.


Instructions for Adding Points of Interest to trails:

1.) Select the ‘Points’ button in the top navigation bar.


2.) Select the ‘+ New Point’ button in the top menu


3.) Select the ‘Type’ of point from the ‘Drop Down List


4.) Enter a name for your point within the ‘Name’ field as you’d like it to appear for users


5.) Use the ‘Description’ field to add specific details, instructions, etc. that relate to your point


6.) Plot your point on the map by clicking the location you would like it to go


7.) Select ‘Save


8.) Your point will now appear on your map as well as within a list on the ’Points of Interest’ menu


9.) To view details or to edit, click the point on the map, or within the list on the ’Points of Interest’ menu
(see below for instructions to edit)
**NOTE: When a public user clicks on a ‘Point of Interest’ within your map, they will view this same detail page minus the ‘Edit Point’ button.


Instructions for Editing or Deleting Points of Interest:

1.) Click the point you would like to edit or delete on the map, or within the list of the ’Points of Interest’ menu


2.) Select ‘Edit Point’ in the top menu


3.) To EDIT Point - Make your updates and Select ‘Save


4.) To DELETE point - Select ‘Trash Point
A Danger! Pop-up will appear asking ‘Are you sure you want to trash this point?
Select ‘Yes’ to delete or ‘No’ to cancel
