QR Code

QR codes can be scanned by cellphones and redirect the phone to a URL for your Trail System.
TrailHUB automatically generates a QR code for each new Trail System.

These images can be used in digital or print marketing materials such as newsletters, brochures, signage, business cards, etc.

Connect guests directly to your TrailHUB trails by printing the QR code on a tent-card that reads, 'Check Trail Conditions or Live Trail Updates & Conditions’. Place the cards around your lobby, on tables at on-site restaurants or nightstands of hotel rooms, etc… Guests can scan the QR code from their cell phone and connect right to your TrailHUB trail system!

To access your the QR code for your Trail system:

1.) Select ‘Share’ button in the top navigation bar.


2.) Right-click the QR Code and select 'Save Image As’ to easily download and save the QR Code image
