View and Search Trails

There are 3 ways you can view your trail list:

  • View All Trails

  • View By Activity (Nordic Skiing, Mountain Biking, Hiking, etc)

  • View By Status (GREEN = Open | YELLOW = Caution | RED = Closed)

To VIEW a list of all the trails within your trail system:

1.) Click the ‘Trails’ button in the top navigation bar.


2.) A menu will open on the left of the screen where you can easily view and manage your trails


To view trails by a specific activity:

1.) Click on an activity in the area above the search bar to view all trails that allow that activity


2.) Click the yellow refresh icon to go back to the full trail list


To view trails by a specific TRAIL STATUS:

1.) Click the color for the desired status you would like to view within the status bar located close to the top of your trail list. GREEN = Open | YELLOW = Caution | RED = Closed

2.) Click the yellow refresh icon to go back to the full trail list


To SEARCH for a specific trail within your trail system:

1.) Select the ‘Search’ field above your trail cards and type in the desired trail name
