Edit Trails

NOTE: Trail Cards have two different areas that reflect the status of open/caution/closed.

  1. Overall trail status

  2. Activities within a trail

When you update the overall trail status to OPEN or CAUTION, please also adjust the status of any trail activities to open, caution or closed.

When you update the overall trail status to CLOSED, all the activities within that trail will automatically shift to close after you save your update.



1.) Click the ‘Trails’ button in the top navigation bar.


2.) Click on the existing trail card for the trail you would like edit


3.) Select ‘Edit Trail’ in upper left corner


4.) You can edit the following information:

  • Trail Name

  • Overall Trail Status (Open/Caution/Closed)

    • Note: If you set the trail status to CLOSED, it will automatically close all the activities within that trail when you save your update.

  • Description

  • Difficulty (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert, Etc.)

  • Activities

    • ADD ACTIVITIES (Hiking, Mountain Biking, Nordic Skiing, Etc.) by selecting an activity from the drop-down menu and then select ‘Add Activity’.

    • Repeat for each activity you would like to assign to your trail.

    • Adjust the status (Open/Caution/Closed) for each individual activity

      • Note: If you set an activity status to closed, then it will bump to the far right on the trail card when viewing your trails menu.

    • REMOVE ACTIVITIES by selecting the ‘minus’ symbol next to the activity you wish to delete

  • Mapped File

  • Click here to reference ‘Create New Trail’ instructions for more details regarding these fields

5.) Select ‘Save

6.) If you wish to delete the trail altogether select ‘Trash Trail’ at the bottom
