Trustees & Administrators

Easily add one or more people to help manage your Trail System(s).
(NOTE: If you have more than one trail system, you will need to add your designated trustees or administrators to each trail system.)

The number of people you can add to your trail system will depend on your membership level.

You have the ability to add someone as either a Trustee or an Administrator per trail system.

  • Trustees have the ability to add and adjust trails, points, and updates.

  • Administrators can also adjust the Trail System settings as well as manage trustees

Within your plan, you can add up to the designated amount of trustees/administrators per trail system, in addition to the main account holder.

The circle plan allows for 3 additional people total (any combination of trustee or administrator) plus the main account holder.

Therefore, 4 different people would be able to manage the account.
1. The Main Account Holder
2. A trustee or administrator
3. A trustee or administrator
4. A trustee or administrator


If the trustee you would like to add DOES NOT have a TrailHUB account please have them create a new account for themselves using the below instructions then skip to step 6.

If they already have a TrailHUB account, skip to step 6.


1.) Go to

2.) Select 'Create an Account' and fill out the form


3.) Skip filling out the ‘Create Trail System form and just select ‘Log Out’


4.) Inform your Trail System account administrator that you have created an account so they can officially ‘invite’ you to have access to the trail system for your organization

5.) Stay Logged out of your account until you are notified by TrailHUB or your account administrator that you have been added. Once you are notified that you have been added, log back into your TrailHUB account.

6.) Navigate to the ‘User Settings Menu.


7.) Click on ‘My Trail Systems’. This is where you will find your organization’s trail system.


8.) Click the trail system name to launch your organization’s trail system.

9.) Click the heart icon to make your organization’s trail system your default trail system. Next time you log into your account it should open right to this new default trail system.

INSTRUCTION FOR Account Administrators TO ADD A TRUSTEE/Administrator:

6.) Click into ‘Trail System Details’, then click 'Trustees'


7.) Enter the email address for the trustee/administrator you would like to add and select 'Invite'. They should then receive an email inviting them to your trail system.

(NOTE: If an email address that you invite is not is our system, you should receive a notification from TrailHUB letting you know a Trail Manager account for that email address needs to be created before you can add it.)


8.) Select whether to make a user an 'Administrator' or a 'Trustee' and select 'Save Permissions'.

  • Trustees have the ability to add and adjust trails, points, and updates.

  • Administrators can also adjust the Trail System settings as well as manage trustees


To delete a trustee/administrator:

1.) Click ‘Remove Trustee’ icon on the right of name card and ‘Save Permissions
